Friday 7 June 2013

Luxury Rental Cars: A Step Above

Working for rental car agencies has taught me a lot, but one of the most important lessons learned was what to rent and what not to rent while on vacation or a business trip. You could always tell the businessman or woman that was doing well for themselves and confident in their trade. The people that would come in and rent the lower end vehicles just looked cheap. Business is a huge part of traveling and the only way to go is a luxury rental car. It says professional and always impresses.

When going on any business trip, it’s luxury all the way. When you travel to the coasts, like Miami, look around at what everyone is driving. Do you really want to go in with a great presentation for that vital business deal and pull up in a Chevy Aveo? No! What about the business lunch carpool? Save yourself from the embarrassment. If you look cheap, you’ll be perceived that way. Business is fast paced and competitive and your Aveo will get you left in the dust.

Apart from business travelers, I would have renters come in that knew quality cars. They would already be in a luxury rental, or begin by asking me about an upgrade as soon as they got to the counter. Not everyone is meant for an exotic car or a convertible but everyone can appreciate lavish comfort. I never had a customer come back disappointed about their luxury car. They have all the extras, complete comfort and there’s something to be said about pulling up in a classy car. Rent luxury and roll around in style!

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