Thursday 6 June 2013

Exotic Car Rental on Vacation

I travel frequently and can’t help myself when it comes to splurging on my rental car. I’m always in the Caribbean, South Florida, or Hawaii because I’m made for tropical weather and there is no other way to see the islands but from a fun car with a convertible top. Exotic rental cars are the only way to go and I don’t just mean when you’re on vacation. You can rent one for fun and enjoy some luxury or impress everyone on your business trip. I used to work for a rental car agency and I can’t tell you how many times I’d have customers come back and thank me for getting them into the upgrade. So many people choose to rent the smallest, cheapest car then come back in only voice their regrets. There are some beautiful cars on the road and no one wants to miss out on being in one. Pull up to that red light with a smile and shine!

My thoughts are, you’re on vacation or wanting to have some fun, you have the money set aside…enjoy yourself! I’ve never regretted my island vacation in style. The Porsche, the BMW and the Audi were so much fun and a great way to be anyone I wanted to be. I had a blast pulling up to my hotel and handing the valet the keys while everyone oohhh-ed and ahhh-ed at my car. It made me feel like a celebrity and the smile on my face was permanent…until I had to take it back to the rental agency, of course. You cannot have a bad time in an exotic rental car. Don’t just rent, invent yourself!

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