Wednesday 19 June 2013

No Dirty T-Shirts at the Rolls Royce Rental

Matching cars with their drivers is a little game I like to play. I often find myself observing cars that are parked outside of a store or business and try to match the car with the owner inside. The domestic and Japanese autos blend in to the crowd.  Similarly, their drivers tend to play it safe in their attire.  One car manufacture pairing that is probably the easiest to identify is Rolls Royce. Their drivers were distinguished dressers.  I think most people believe that Rolls Royce drivers are pompous and pretentious; however, I've found that to be furthest from the truth. I had the luxury of knowing several Rolls Royce drivers and they were entrepreneurs and philanthropists.  I had a random conversation with gentlemen at the airport while he was waiting at the Rolls Royce rental company.  He was in Miami to donate millions of dollars to a children's hospital addition.  I think we dedicate too much time judging others and I feel a person that owns a Rolls Royce is often just a successful person that knows what they want and gets it.

Later that evening I noticed a man dressed in cut off shorts and a ripped up t-shirt in the parking lot. He was smoking a cigarette and had a baseball cap on that read "Winning." I scanned the parking lot and noticed an older Chevy truck in the back row. It had confederate flags in the windows and giant tires that were too big for the truck frame. Did he get into the truck you ask? No. He jumped into the Honda Civic right next to my car. It's not an exact science but it is amusing. One thing is certain, he was not on his way to the Rolls Royce rental company, or any luxury rental, for that matter.

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